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青骨通菜 Green Tong Choy
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新鮮牛尾 Fresh Ox Tail per lb
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急凍蒸餃系列 Asian Choice Dumpling Series
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雪龍皇黃金鮑螺 Frozen King False Elephant Snout 338g
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超力銀絲米粉金牌原味 Chewy Rice Vermicelli x 2
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魯花5S壓縮一級花生油 5S Pressing Peanut Oil 1.8L
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廣合腐乳(微辣) Kwong Bean Curd Chili 335g
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台灣白菜 Taiwan Nappa per lb
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金語黑金酥 Black Gold Crisp
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天日鹽餅乾 Nomura Mira Biscuits x 2
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有機無花果乾 Organic Dry Figs 250g
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甜柿子 Sweet Persimmon per lb
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砂糖桔(袋) Clementine per lb
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冇核黃肉西瓜 Watermelon Yellow Meat each
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冇核黑提 Seedless Black Grapes per lb
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華盛頓黃金車厘子 Washington Golden Cherry per lb
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有毛黃肉桃 Yellow Peach per lb
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巴西空運小木瓜(箱) Brasil Papaya by Air (box)
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空運山竹 Mangosteen per lb
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新疆哈密瓜 XinJiang Melon per lb
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甜菠蘿 Honey Glow Pineapple each
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明治黑克力系列 Meiji Meltyblend Series 60g
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康師傅妙蛋糕系列 Master Kong Muffin Series 2x192g
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福臨門金典餃子專用粉 Whole Wheat All Purpose Flour 5kg
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萬里香涼粉 Mong Lee Shang Grass Jelly 540g
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李錦記鮮味生抽 LKK Soy Sauce 1.9L
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鑫海冰鮮黃花魚家庭裝 SH Yellow Croaker 1kg
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功德林急凍栗子肉 GDI Frozen Chestnuts 454g
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阿奇隆黑糖珍珠雪糕 Sugar Boba Ice Cream Bar 320g
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海威熟基圍蝦 Thai Best Cooked Head on Shrimp 21/25 300g
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急凍冰鮮龍蝦尾 Ocean Charm Spring Lobster Tails 170g
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五芳齋急凍粽子系列 WFZ Rice Dumpling Series 2x300g
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紅萬壽花雕酒/紹興酒 Shao Hsing Rice Cooking / Salted Cooking Wine 2x750ml
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大金稻泰國頂級白糯米 Grand Harvest Glutinous Rice 4lb
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日式帶子沙律 Japan Seasoned Scallop 1kg
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烤鰻魚 Frozen Grilled Eel 227g
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嘉頓麥芽酥餅 Garden Maikist Crackers
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嘉頓檸檬夾心餅 Lemon Puff
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新奧爾良烤雞翅 Buffalo Chicken Wings 500g
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冰鮮特級牛脷 Frozen Beef Tongue per lb
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馬來西亞貓山王榴槤麻糍 Thai Gold Frozen Durian Mochi 180g
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韓國火箭魷魚 Polar Bird Frozen Squid 600g
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咀香園餅家雞蛋捲 Choi Heony Yuen Egg Rolls 300g
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生猛溫哥華紅蝦 Vancouver Red Shrimp per lb
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紐西蘭無骨羊肩肉 Frozen New Zealand Spring Lamb Shoulder per lb (福耀 Winco)
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空運富貴柿 Fuyu Persimmon per lb 福耀 Winco
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蒜香豬頸肉 Pork Jowl Steaks with Garlic Sauce per lb 福耀 Winco
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然香小羊扒 Cumin Lamb Rib per lb 福耀 Winco
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香茅有皮雞扒 Chicken Leg Meat with Lemon Grass per lb 福耀 Winco
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紐西蘭羊肉卷 New Zealand Lamb Shoulder Roll per lb 福耀 Winco
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安格斯牛肉卷 Angus Beef Roll per lb 福耀 Winco
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